Helpful Resources

A collection of documents provided to expedite research.

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act was passed by Congress in November 2021. Click the button below to access a downloadable PDF.

Biden infrastructure plan

President Biden has released his infrastructure plan. Click the button below to access a downloadable PDF.

Summary of H.R. 2 from the 2019-2020 congress

The Moving Forward Act was introduced in 2020. Click the button below to read a summary of the Act.


America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act was introduced in 2019 as a comprehensive plan to fix the country’s roads and bridges. Click the button below to access the Act.

Biden Campaign Infrastructure Plan

Plan released by the Biden campaign during the summer of 2020. Click the button below to access a downloadable PDF.

Trump vs. biden on infrastructure

Donald Trump and Joe Biden have each released infrastructure plans. Click the button below to read a detailed summary and access a downloadable PDF.

Legislative Outline for rebuilding infrastructure in america

The Trump Administration’s core principles for rebuilding and revitalizing the nation’s aging infrastructure. Click the button below to access a downloadable PDF.

Federal Environmental Review and Authorization Inventory

Comprehensive look at the Federal permitting process. Click the button below to access and a downloadable PDF.